Welcome to the initial addition of the 2011 D3 Top 25 Fan Poll. Thanks to those agreeing to being pollsters for the 2011 season. Here is the "fan's view" of where team ranks as the 2011 season kicks off this week:
1. UW-Whitewater (12) 348
2. Mount Union (2) 338
3. North Central 314
4. Wesley 309
5. St. Thomas 286
6. UMHB 280
7. Bethel 249
8. Wheaton 242
9 Linfield 238
10.. Coe 200
11. Ohio Northern 184
12. Wartburg 167
13. Montclair State 153
14. Thomas More 146
15. Cortland State 138
16. Hardin-Simmons 134
17. Cal Lutheran 130
18. Alfred 92
19. Trine 81
20. Wabash 80
21. Wittenberg 77
22. UW-Stevens Point 62
23. St. Johns 60
24. Rowan 47
25. Franklin 34
Also Receiving Votes: Delaware Valley 29, Baldwin Wallace 26, Central 20, Willamette 16, Elmhurst 13, UW- Oshkosh 11, Salisbury 11, Hampden-Sydney 9, Washington and Lee 6, Johns Hopkins 5, Louisiana College 5, Pacific Lutheran 4, Redlands 3, St. John Fisher 2, Illinois Wesleyan 1.