Warhawk Fan Pre-game Social in Texas!
Time: 11:30 AM to 1:20 PM
Place: Wings, Pizza, & Things
2112 SW HK Dodgen Loop, Temple, TX 76504
Map: http://www.mapquest.com/maps?address=2112%20SW%20H%20K%20Dodgen%20Loop&city=Temple&state=TX&zipcode=76504
Conveniently located right off H.K. Dodgen Loop in the Bed and Bath and Beyond Shopping Center in Temple.
Website http://www.wingspizzanthingstemple.com/index.html
Directions to UMHB after the conclusion of the social:
10 minute drive:
Ticket information:
We hope that if you are in the area that you will be able to join us! Please consider sharing this information to anyone you feel might be interested.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Go Warhawks!